Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lets try this again.

I am well aware that I may possibly be the world worst blogger. The proof being that my last post was in April of 2010(LOL). However, I am attempting to change this! I am now done with RN school and have a little more free time. My hubby just purchased me a VERY nice camera and asked that I start "keeping up" on my blog, so here it goes. After spending all night getting reacquainted with blogger website and making it look pretty I'm done. Yes I know not a good start. I did however grab one pic from our trip to Chicago American Girl Doll Store to share. I will upload all new camera pics and edit them tomorrow so that tomorrow evening I will have lots of new pretty pics to share.


  1. K. I need to upload them first. I def need some "teaching" from the master. (you!!!)
