Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My sweet girl


Taryn had a book she wanted to finish today after school because she plans on starting Gone With The Wind tommorrow. So she rushed home from school, had her snack and finished up her Ghost Stories book. She is soooooo sweet, I just love that she looks forward to ANYTHING that involves learning. I just hope it sticks. She has been studying the different kingdoms of plants and has a project due friday in which she has to display seeds. Since I recently cleaned up and cut back all the plants in our yard, we headed out to my aunt and uncles farm to gather some seeds. I used this chance to take some pictures. We then headed home to do her project....which I ended up doing most of because the hot glue is just too hot for a 9 year old. However she did supervise great. I couldnt help but include the pic of the girls cuddled up in Abbi's bed, I found them there about half an hour ago. Its nice to see they love eachother so much.
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